BLOGregard Q. Kazoo

The official blog of the FOSTER'S HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS production crew.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to the official Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends production blog. Here's where you'll get the inside scoop on the day to day goings on directly from the fine folks who make the Cartoon Network series. We hope to share with you things that you won't see anywhere else, production designs, board pages, sketches and doodles, etc. Like this for instance, this is a quick Bloo I drew when I first started messing around with my tablet PC.

So anyway thanks for stopping by, and keep checkin' back for more!


  • At May 01, 2006 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aww! It's so cute, even if it is a blob.

  • At May 08, 2006 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yea thanks for putting up a blog! not sure if you'll answer questions, but are you planning any dvd releases for the Foster's show? (hopefully you'll put out full seasons. i'd like to see chronological season releases of ppg's too)

  • At May 11, 2006 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, I'd like to see some of the explainations of inside jokes.

  • At May 30, 2006 9:53 AM, Blogger foolalex said…

    everytime your show comes on and the theme starts up i get up and dance around for 30 seconds. i have made this a rule for myself. it does the soul well. as does everything else about this show. ive decided that if i ever have kids we will watch this and we will dance everytime the theme comes on. this a foolproof plan to ensure they will grow up to be amazing people.

    thank you for everything.

  • At June 21, 2006 3:08 PM, Blogger Jenny Lerew said…

    Your show is the best-looking thing on right now. : )

    Nice work, people.

  • At June 23, 2006 9:37 AM, Blogger Mario Andrei said…

    OMFG! I love your show!!!! I'm 21 but I feel like a kid when I see your show!!! me and my 5 year old sis what every single episode (in english and in spanish on cable :) )

    plz keep the great work... YOU ARE AWESOMe!! jezz I'm so excited .. I found you on blogger.. yipeee! *makes bookmark*

    my little sister is gonna love this pics :)

  • At June 23, 2006 9:38 AM, Blogger Mario Andrei said…

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  • At July 11, 2006 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My family and I are Foster fanatics!!!
    I'm 30 and have 4 children all of which love the show.
    We watch it every time it's on.
    Our favorite episode thus far is Mac n Cheese...Cheese is HALARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course we quote him ALL the time!
    "I'm a cowboy."
    and of course
    "I like chocolate milk."
    The new cartoon network/boomerang comercials with Cheese are FABULOUS!!!
    "I'm in a comercial. MY COMERCIAL!"
    "Tv tastes funny.'
    My kids say I sound like Cheese and constantly ask me to "Do Cheese Mama do Cheese!" It's my dream to be a voice for a Foster friend! How cool a job is that?
    Well not as cool as yours right?

    They're also begging me for a plush Cheese and the rest of the Foster's gang.
    I read Mattel will be developing a line of Foster toys - market the daylights out of your show- trust me it will payoff BIG TIME!!!!!!!
    Many Foster friends out there.
    Well keep on keepin' on and keep Cheese in your gang - he ROCKS!!!
    Thanks for making millions laugh!
    Take Care!
    Jennifer from Milwaukee, WI
    Mum of 4 Foster Fanatics!

  • At December 05, 2006 3:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awesome, I love your shows both foster's and the powerpuff girls. It's one of the reason's I want to be an animator. I'm studying at college right to be one. The character design, the writing, the humour, it just screams waht is right in the world of animation. Anyway, Thanks for being such an inspiration.

    Best Regards,

    Daryl Taylor from London, U.K

  • At February 03, 2007 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't really like Berry, there I said it. BUT I LOVE WILT, CHEESE, GOO, COCO, AND MAC. Bloo and Eduardo and Frankie too but they're not my favorites. I want more episodes about Wilt. Also, one about Goo and Cheese, you could call it "Gooey Cheese". Or one about Cheese called "The Cheese Stands Alone". I have a lot of episode ideas and I'm writing fan fictions, I'm just as creative as Goo I think but I don't talk as fast and I'm not insane. I want more Wilt and Coco in the episodes! You could make an episode that revolves around Wilt and Coco. I like making suggestions!


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